Reaching your goals can be a difficult task, getting things wrong, failing over and over but there is a tool that can help which is so powerful, but often forgotten about, visualisation. So how can can this help you reach your goals? Visualisation
Visualisation Is all about making the invisible appear in your head, having freedom and creativity of thought. It can also be used to put your mind in check before you do something, for example: if you're having a party and you visualise in your head what you want the hall to look like, you then pick what you saw in your head to make it into a real life situation. Doing this for goals is the same, if you always see yourself not being able to complete or achieve something, how will your body follow? Most probably the same way you think it! Visualising can be done in your own down time, during a training session, or before a big event to help to reach a goal. It's so powerful! The reason why visualising is so powerful is because your focus determines your reality, if you think of yourself in your head with the physique you would love, it will motivate you to get there, and if you really like what you visualise, your actions will have to follow in order to make it come true! Putting only a bit of effort towards a goal won't link with your visualisation, this is where you should give yourself a kick up the backside to do more! Any great idea starts off as a visualisation, and it's that visualisation which eventually turns into a reality, but keeping focus on that end goal when you fail over and over is tough. Confidence and belief If you have a focus and visualise where you'd like to see yourself, that's great, but in order for it to become real, you need confidence and belief. Confidence is key as anyone can Imagine what they would like to achieve, however the physical part is generally where people doubt themselves, having confidence will be one of the main factors to make your visualisation real, to emphasise that you CAN reach your goal, you can see it, so all you have to do is stay on that path and put in the work until you get there! This directly links with belief, confidence will get you started, then you really need to believe that you are capable of achieving it, believing in every workout, rehearsal, presentation whatever it is that you do, to enable your mind to see a clear pathway to the end result. If you have no confidence or belief, it's pretty obvious why you may have not reached your goals! Anyone can do it! The beauty of visualisation is that anyone can do it, no matter what age, if you have limitations or barriers, we all have the power to visualise, and if you can think it, you can do it! It's such a great thought to think every human can picture whatever they like, then do whatever it takes to get you there. You could be preparing for a bodybuilding competition, visualising yourself winning, how that would feel? How you would look? And let that thought and feeling give you confidence and belief to help you win! If you're a dancer before a big competition, you could imagine yourself holding the trophy, having your name called out, and let that feeling make you really work for it! Summary Think of your goals, and also things that will really motivate you, wether it's in your free time, before a big event, your just when things are getting tough. Use your mind to help your body reach its goals, a positive visualisation will have you already winning half the battle as you can already see the finish line! It's then down to you to fail, learn, pick yourself back up, and keep your focus on them goals. Only then will you truly reach them. |
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