There's way too many excuses these days as to why people are overweight, I'm very honest with all of my clients, and through working with hundreds of different people and finding common patterns, here are the most common factors which enhance people chances of becoming overweight.
Lack of discipline Firstly, no one is born overweight, it's a gradual process which is all down to your discipline! There is no other way to get around the fact that what food you choose to buy and eat it always down to the individual. If you choose a unhealthy food over something healthy, it is because of your lack of discipline. If you go out for a meal and choose to eat a bad meal, with dessert and with drinks, that's not your friends fault, and it's not because 'it's a birthday' or a 'special occasion'. It's because you have a lack of discipline to say no, and can't make the right food and drink choices. It's interesting that many people I've worked with have fantastic discipline with work, their kids and family, yet suddenly when it comes to health and fitness, they seem to say they have no discipline. If only that same outlook and energy was transferred into their health choices, they probably would be on their way to a healthier weight. Discipline is key to become healthy and lose weight, if you can't be bothered to make new habits and become more self disciplined, you'll always continue to be overweight. Simple. Being very lazy Too lazy to go to the gym, too lazy to look into new meals instead of a meal deal, too lazy to really want to make a change. Laziness in the fitness industry is usually linked to the word time. "I had no time" How many times I hear this line is crazy! And yes, I work in the fitness industry, so you could be thinking: 'it's easy for me' and I completely agree, however, working in the fitness industry doesn't make me train hard 5 times a week, or be pro active enough to make meals in advance, that is down to me. Regardless of your job or commitments, you have time. And if you think you don't have time, it just exposes you're not using your time as efficiently as you could, in order to become a healthy weight. Because if it meant that much to you, you would find the time. Whether you wake up earlier, go to bed later, do a home workout, or use time watching TV in exchange for a jog. All these things can be done in order to stop being overweight, it just takes some time to plan and think, and not be lazy. Choosing not to gain more knowledge A common factor with people who are overweight is lack of activity level, this could be having a desk job, not training much, or spending endless amounts of time watching TV. This can be combatted very quickly to help you become a healthy weight. For example: instead of sitting watching TV or whilst sitting on you way to work, why not read some fitness articles on better food choices? Use that time to educate yourself on new knowledge that you can use throughout the day to positivity impact your day to being more healthy. It's all about creating new patterns and not just going with the flow. Being overweight is dangerous and very unhealthy, going with the flow won't change a thing. Another example is, when at the gym, doing your same old workout which obviously isn't making a change, ASK QUESTIONS, speak to the gym team, hire a personal trainer, gain more knowledge on what you need to be doing, even members can be helpful too! It can be embarrassing, but if you want to change them you need to step out your comfort zone and do something to get you on track. Don't look for the quick fixes and fad diets, they are all a load of rubbish. It takes hard work and educated choices in order to see what works for you. Blaming everything but themselves This unfortunately is one of the most common things I've found with people when discussing what things have lead them to become overweight. It is always something other than themselves, this is down to honesty and sometimes denial, it's hard to admit that it is your own fault you're overweight. Of course it is, but until you realise that is the only reason, it's a lot easier to find out what specific things have made you overeat, or avoid the gym. If there's no honesty with yourself, you are always going to be fighting a battle with yourself, Instead of getting to the root of the issue. It could be a bad gym experience, it could be a bad time in your life, all these things may not be your fault, but becoming overweight as a result of that stimulus is always down to the individual. Health conditions, injuries and illnesses obviously play a part, but these are also not excuses to why you are overweight, a small majority will impact weight, most of them don't, it may change how you eat and what exercises or training plan you can perform, but trust me, there is a way around it. It may take 10x longer and you may need to be much more strict than others, but if that's what it takes you have a choice, moan about it, or get on with it. It really is that simple. If an individual isn't prepared to do what it takes, you only have yourself to blame as to why you are overweight. Summary This article isn't here to please everyone, or put things to you nicely, it's written honestly are to the point. My aim is always to help people but I can't stand excuses and dishonesty, both factors only lead to disaster. Be honest with yourself, figure out what you need to do to shed some weight, and get to work. No drama, no excuses, just hard work. Whether you agree or disagree, feel free to share and see what others think. |
Luke TeumaAll articles are written by Luke Teuma, Founder of Lean With Luke. Stay SocialArchives
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